Baucham, Voddie-Why Homeschool? An Apologetic for Home Education CD 0741

Vendor: Christian Heritage
Type: CD

0741 ”Why Homeschool? An Apologetic for Home Education—Voddie Baucham

2007 CH Conference Workshop:

Moms are not qualified to teach higher math; children will miss out on socialization; our kids will not be ‘Salt and Light’ in the world… These and other objections are all too common to homeschool families. However, what does the Bible say? Is the text silent on the issue of education? Or has God actually given us biblical principles to follow. In this session, Voddie Baucham will make a biblical argument for home education.

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr.
Voddie Baucham is one of the most sought-after preachers of his generation. Dr. Baucham graduated from Southwestern and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminaries and has done post-graduate study at the University of Oxford in England. Voddie is an author (The Ever Loving Truth), Bible teacher, professor, and pastor. Most importantly, he is a husband and father who is actively involved in his children home education.