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Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
That the generation to come might know, even the children
yet to be born…that they should put their confidence in God
and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments
Psalm 78:6
Father-Son Retreat CD Set-2008

“Becoming Mighty Men of God”
by Kevin Swanson
CLICK HERE! for details about the Retreat and Speaker.
Sold as set only: $20, CD case included
- Session #1—Raising a Mighty Man of God
This message contemplates the unique qualities that God has given boys and presents a challenge that every father of sons needs to hear. It will leave you with a new vision for raising godly sons. This is a much-needed presentation to homeschoolers, many of whom struggle with what to do with young boys growing up and out of the home. - Session #2—The Greatest Fathers the World Has Ever Known
A message that this generation of fathers needs! In a time where it feels that we are “re-inventing” fatherhood, Kevin Swanson brings out, in living color, examples of those who went before us. - Session #3—Living by Pragmatism or Principle
If our children will understand the world, they must understand ethics, the principles that direct people’s choices. And there is no more destructive and insidious ethic operating today than that of pragmatism which loses sight of absolute standards of what is right and what is good. No ethic has been so influential in the way that people make decisions today. When families and entire cultures are driven by pragmatism instead of principle, things begin to unravel. How do you live your life? By pragmatism or principle? - Session #4—The Heart of It All
In this transparent and powerful presentation, Kevin traces a developing relationship between himself and his own son. Kevin drills into the heart of what happens in a home when parents begin to walk with their children. Parenting and home education boils down to one issue – the heart of a parent connecting with the heart of a child.
About Kevin Swanson
Kevin Pointing w/Daniel-cr2-320pix3
- Homeschooled himself in the 1960’s and 70’s, Kevin & Brenda, have always homeschooled their five children. After graduating from homeschool and then serving as student body president of a large west coast university, Kevin has filled leadership positions in corporate management, church, and other non-profits.
- Kevin has 35 years of experience in the homeschooling movement and has served as Executive Director of Christian Home Educators of Colorado for the last eight years. As a father who wants to leave a godly heritage for his own five children, his passion is to strengthen and encourage the home-based discipleship all over the world, and to cast a vision for generations to come.
- Kevin is a personable & powerful speaker who ministers to thousands of families by writing articles and books, and speaking at homeschooling and worldview events across the country. For the last 3 years Kevin has hosted a daily radio program – “Generations,” a homeschool and Biblical world-view program aired on AM-FM stations & web radio, reaching families in more than 60 countries around the world. He also serves as teaching elder of a local church and is the Director of Generations with Vision – a ministry dedicated to sharing a message of “truth and relationships in a lost and lonely world.”
- Kevin’s most recent book, Upgrade—10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child, was released in 2006 and quickly sold out of its first printing. He also has authored The Second Mayflower and Family Bible Study Guide: The Psalms.
- Kevin has been interviewed on hundreds of media outlets, including nationally known Christian and secular programs.
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