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Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
That the generation to come might know, even the children
yet to be born…that they should put their confidence in God
and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments
Psalm 78:6
Father-Son Retreat CD Set-2010

“Building a Generation of Courageous Warriors”
CLICK HERE! for details about the Retreats and Speakers.
CD’s sold as set only: $20, CD case included
Paul Renfro, Houston, TX -
- A Courageous Warrior Must: 1) Trust His Commander, and 2) Understand that Every Warrior Is Significant
- A Courageous Warrior Must: 3) Understand the Enemy, 4) Be Trained and Disciplined, and 5) Follow Orders Immediately and Unquestioningly
- A Courageous Warrior Must: 6) Not Be Distracted from His Main Mission, and 7) Be Willing to Sacrifice for the Sake of the Mission
- A Courageous Warrior Must: 8) Fight with Confidence that Victory Is Sure
About Paul Renfro
Paul Renfro, a man with a shepherd’s heart, is a committed discipler of men for God's glory and the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He traveled the world ministering with Athletes in Action before pastoring churches in Ohio and Texas. His passion is to encourage church leaders in equipping men Biblically and expecting them to step into their God-given role as family shepherds. Paul and his wife, Laurie, have been married over 20 years, have two sons and two daughters, and are committed home educators.
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