Mother-Daughter Tea CD Set-2008

Vendor: Christian Heritage
Type: CD's

Sold as set only: $20, CD case included

08MD 2008 Mother-Daughter Tea Sessions:

Disc 1
  • ”Raising Daughters/Raising Helpmeets”—Deborah, Blair & Claudia Brown
  • ”Betsy’s Story of Virtue”—Story read by Mary Craig
Disc 2
  • ”Raising Daughters to be Proverbs 31 Women”—Deborah Brown
  • ”Lest We Forget:—Poem read by Susanna, Sarah & Hanna Criss
  • ”Q & A Answer Session”—Deborah Brown

Guest Speaker – Deborah Brown
Deborah Brown, a most delightful Proverbs 31 woman, will inspire you with both a vision for Godly womanhood and practical strategies for carrying out the role God has created you and your daughters to fill. Scott & Deborah are the parents of three daughters and a son, ages 14-24. And they were delighted to become grandparents in 2007 and are expecting their 2nd grandchild in November 08. As a family, they vividly live out God’s principles in their daily lives and have a heart to share these precepts and principles, heart to heart, with families like yours.