Phillips-The Promise: The Beauty & Power of 5th Commandment. CD 0604

Vendor: Christian Heritage
Type: CD

CD 0604 ”The Promise: The Beauty & Power of the Fifth Commandment -(God’s Requirement for Children of All Ages)”—Doug Phillips

2006 CH Conference Keynote Message:

Is it well with your soul? The Scriptures say that being “well” and honoring your father and mother are inextricably linked. “Honor your father and mother” is the first command with a promise. It is a promise linked with spiritual and physical prosperity, including long life. Yet this foundational command is largely ignored and resented by teenagers and adults alike. As a young man Doug purposed before the Lord to make it a life goal to honor his parents. In this foundational talk, Doug addresses challenging issues like: How do wise parents instill honor in their children? What does the Bible say about the way we are to respond to perverse authority in parents? In what way are adult sons and daughters to honor their living parents? What are the consequences for dishonoring parents? How does our culture promote dishonor? Why do children who never learn to honor their parents consistently experience failure in marriage and business? How can adult children restore honor to relationships that have long been tinged by dishonor?

About Doug Phillips:
Doug Phillips is the founder and president of Vision Forum, a discipleship and training ministry that emphasizes Christian apologetics, worldview training, multi-generational faithfulness, and the crucial responsibility of fathers in family discipleship. He is a powerful communicator with a heart for home education and the restoration of the Christian family and culture to the glory of God. He is also a teaching elder of Boerne Christian Assembly near San Antonio, Texas. Doug was trained as a constitutional attorney and served for seven years with HSLDA. Most blessedly, he is the husband of Beall and the father of seven children.